File Name: ```python from utilities.testUtils import solution_title, print_and_assert_new, getTestResult from utilities.commonUtils import timeComplexity, spaceComplexity
print('\n >>> 680. Valid Palindrome II By Remove One Char') print(''' Given a string s, return true if the s can be palindrome after deleting at most one character from it. Example 1:
Input: s = "aba" Output: true Example 2:
Input: s = "abca" Output: true Explanation: You could delete the character 'c'. Example 3:
Input: s = "abc" Output: false ''')
class ValidPalindrome2ByRemoveOneChar(object): def quick(self, s): pass def brute_force(self, s): pass def sub_optimal(self, s): pass def optimal(self, s): pass
Parameters and Expected Values.
param1 = 'aba' expect1 = True
param2 = 'abca' expect2 = True
param3 = 'abc' expect3 = False
solution = ValidPalindrome2ByRemoveOneChar() solution_title('ValidPalindrome2ByRemoveOneChar - Quick One by Initialize two pointers') print_and_assert_new(solution.quick, param1, expected=expect1) print_and_assert_new(solution.quick, param2, expected=expect2) print_and_assert_new(solution.quick, param3, expected=expect3) getTestResult('ValidPalindrome2ByRemoveOneChar - Quick One')
timeComplexity('O(n)', 'desc_goes_here') spaceComplexity('O(n)', 'desc_goes_here')