Print Even Sequence

File Name: ```python from stylepy import h3,h2,h4 def print_even_sequence(array): for a in array: if a % 2 == 0: print("\nSequence for {0}".format(a)) for k in range(0,a): print(k, end=" ")

print_even_sequence([10, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77]) h2('\n Here O(a * k) , where a = size of array and k is largest even')

h3('\n\n 🕒 Time Complexity: Approximately O(n × m) \n In the worst case, where n is the length of the array and m is the average size of the even numbers. However, the actual time complexity can vary significantly based on the contents of the input array.') h3('\n 💾 Space Complexity: O(1) \n As it only uses a constant amount of additional memory.')```