File Name: ```python import data_types.commonUtils as utils
utils.print_h1('String Basics Example')
language = 'Python'
mid_index = (len(language) // 2) - 1 # decrement by 1 since length is 6 and index from 0 - 5
utils.print_ordered_list([ f'Finding Length using len(str): "{language}" is , {len(language)}', f'Middle character index of "{language}" is {mid_index} and char is {language[mid_index]} Using ', f'6 different ways of String concatenations (+, %, join, format, fstring, += Operator)', f'6 different ways of String Substring (slicing, find, index, regEx, strip, partition)' f'7 different ways of Contains String check (in, find, index, count, regEx, startswith, endswith)' f'In Python, strings are immutable in nature' ])
greet = 'Hello' name = 'Venkat.R'
print('\n') six_ways_of_string_concatenation = [ (" Approach", " Example Code", " Time Complexity", " Space Complexity"), (" Using + Operator", " greet + name", " O(n + m)", " O(n + m)"), (" Using % Operator", " '%s%s' % (greet, name)", " O(n + m)", " O(n + m)"), (" Using join() Method", " ''.join([greet, name])", " O(n)", " O(n)"), (" Using format() Method", " '{}{}'.format(greet, name)", " O(n + m)", " O(n + m)"), (" Using f-String (Python 3.6+)", " f'{greet}{name}'", " O(n + m)", " O(n + m)"), (" Using String Concatenation with +=", " greet += name", " O(nm)", " O(nm)") ]
utils.print_h6('We have greet variable hold "Hello" and name hold "Venkat.R"') concatenated_by_plus_operator = greet + ' ' + name utils.print_span('Using + Operator: ', concatenated_by_plus_operator) utils.print_span('Using String join method: ', ''.join([greet, ' ', name])) utils.print_span('Using % Operator: ', "%s %s" % (greet, name)) utils.print_span('Using String format() Method: ', '{} {}'.format(greet, name)) utils.print_span('Using f-String (Python 3.6+): ', f'{greet} {name}') greet += name utils.print_span('Using String Concatenation with +=: ', greet, '\n')
six_ways_of_substring_methods = [ (" Approach", " Example Code", " Time Complexity", " Space Complexity"), (" Slicing", " 'Python'[1:4]", " O(k)", " O(k)"), (" str.split() & Indexing", " 'a,'.split(',')[1]", " O(n)", " O(n)"), (" str.find() or str.index() & Slicing", " s = 'P'; s[s.find('th'):]", " O(n)", " O(k)"), (" Regular Expression (re module)", "'y.*o', 'Python').group()", " O(n)", " O(k)"), (" str.strip()/str.rstrip()/str.lstrip()", "' P '.strip()", " O(n)", " O(n)"), (" str.partition() & Indexing", " 'P'.partition('-')[0]", " O(n)", " O(n)") ]
word = 'An Apple' utils.print_h6('We have word variable hold "An Apple"') utils.print_span('Using Slice Notation: [start:stop:step]', word[3:]) slice_object = slice(3, None) utils.print_span('Using Slice Object (it is flexibility assiging as variable, argument, dynamic slicing):', word[slice_object]) utils.print_span('Using split() split multiple occurrence, returns list: ', word.split(' ')[1]) utils.print_span('Using partition() split first occurrence, returns tuple: ', word.partition(' ')[1]) utils.print_span('Using find() return index, -1 when not found:', word[word.find('A'):]) utils.print_span('Using index() return index, ValueError when not found:', word[word.index(' A'):]) import re utils.print_span('Using Regular Expression():','Ap.*e', word).group()) utils.print_span('Using strip():', word.strip('An'))
seven_ways_of_contain_check = [ (" Approach", " Example Code", " Time Complexity", " Space Complexity"), (" in Operator", " 'apple' in 'apple pie'", " O(n)", " O(1)"), (" str.find() Method", " 'apple pie'.find('apple') != -1", " O(n)", " O(1)"), (" str.index() Method", " try: 'apple'.index('pl') except ValueError: pass", " O(n)", " O(1)"), (" str.count() Method", " 'apple'.count('pl') > 0", " O(n)", " O(1)"), (" Regular Expression (re module)", " import re; bool('pl', 'apple'))", " O(n)", " O(1)"), (" str.startswith() Method", " 'apple pie'.startswith('apple')", " O(k)", " O(1)"), (" str.endswith() Method", " 'apple pie'.endswith('pie')", " O(k)", " O(1)") ]
utils.print_span('Most Efficient Method is in
: apple pie contain apple?', 'apple' in 'apple pie')
seven_ways_of_string_comparison_methods = [ (" Approach", " Example Code", " O(Time) ", " O(Space)"), (" Equality Operator ==", " str1 == str2", " O(n)", " O(1)"), (" str.casefold()", " str1.casefold() == str2.casefold()", " O(n)", " O(n)"), (" str.lower() or str.upper()", " str1.lower() == str2.lower()", " O(n)", " O(n)"), (" locale.strcoll() for Locale Compare", " import locale; locale.strcoll(str1, str2)", " Locale-Specific", " Locale-Specific"), (" str.startswith() or str.endswith()", " str1.startswith(str2) or str1.endswith(str2)", " O(k)", " O(1)"), (" Lexicographical Compare using > or <", " str1 > str2 or str1 < str2", " O(n)", " O(1)"), (" Identity Operator Not for value is", " str1 is str2", " O(1)", " O(1)") ]
def char_and_ascii(s): return [(char, ord(char)) for char in s]
Example usage
result = char_and_ascii("An Apple") print(result)
str1 = "apple" str2 = "apple pie"
utils.print_h6('Compare the strings lexicographically str1, str2 ', str1, str2) if str1 < str2: utils.print_span(f"{str1} comes before {str2} lexicographically") elif str1 > str2: utils.print_span(f"{str1} comes after {str2} lexicographically") else: utils.print_span("The strings are equal")
char_conversion_functions = [
(" Function", " Description", " Example Input", " Example Output"),
(" ord()
", " Converts a character to its Unicode code point.", " ord('A')
", f' {ord("A")} '),
(" chr()
", " Converts a Unicode code point to its character.", " chr(65)
", f' {chr(65)} '),
(" hex()
", " Converts an integer to a lowercase hexadecimal string.", " hex(255)
", f' {hex(255)} '),
(" bin()
", " Converts an integer to a binary string.", " bin(7)
", " '0b111'"),
(" int()
", " Converts a string or number to an integer (base 10 by default, can specify base).", " int('0xff', 16)
", " 255"),
(" format()
", " Formats a number into a string, can specify format (like hexadecimal).", " format(255, 'x')
", " 'ff'")
utils.print_h6('Palindrome Check using StringIO')
import io
def is_palindrome(s): # Create a StringIO object to manipulate the string buffer = io.StringIO()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
Example usage
utils.print_span("'A man a plan a canal Panama' is", is_palindrome("A man a plan a canal Panama")) # True utils.print_span("'Hello is'", is_palindrome("Hello")) # False
print(''' +----------------------+------------------------+ | Category | Decimal Range | +----------------------+------------------------+ | Basic Latin | 0 to 127 | | Latin-1 | 128 to 255 | | Latin-Extended | 256 to 383 | | Greek | 913 to 969 | | Cyrillic | 1024 to 1279 | | Symbols | 8192 to 11263 | | Numbers & Digits | 48 to 57 | | Exponents | 8304 to 8343 | | Complex | 119808 to 120831 | | Upper Case | 65 to 90 | | Lower Case | 97 to 122 | +----------------------+------------------------+
def get_unicode_characters(string): unicode_characters = [] for char in string: unicode_characters.append(ord(char)) return unicode_characters
char = 'Venkatraman' print(f"get_unicode_characters('{char}')", get_unicode_characters(char))```