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File Name: ```python

python -m data_types.commonUtils data_types/tuples/

python -m data_types.tuples.basics data_types/tuples/

import data_types.commonUtils as utils

utils.print_h1('Tuple Basics') utils.print_ordered_list([ 'Tuple is Ordered (order will not be changed)', 'Tuple is Immutable', 'Convert to List for Mutation (Changing / Removing)' ])

fruits = ('apple','banana', 'guava') subjects = ('english', 'science', 'maths', 'scoial') daily_cycle = ('morning', 'afternoon', 'dinner') exam_result = ('english', 80)

fruit_list = list(fruits)

fruits_subjects = fruits + subjects print(fruits_subjects)

''' convert to the list [].(fruits) need to check whether order in place '''```