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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42# python data_types/boolean/ # python -m data_types.boolean.basics data_types/boolean/ import data_types.commonUtils as utils utils.print_h1('Boolean Basics') show_gender = False actively_looking_for_job = True utils.print_blockquote([ 'Can Show Gender details in general? ' + 'No' if show_gender == False else 'Yes', 'Are you looking for job? ' + 'Yes' if actively_looking_for_job == True else 'No', 'True is treated as the integer 1 print(True == 1) # Outputs: True ', 'False is treated as the integer print(False == 0) # Outputs: True' ]) utils.print_blockquote([ 'Arithmetic with booleans', 'print(True + True) # Outputs: 2 (equivalent to 1 + 1)', 'print(True * 10) # Outputs: 10 (equivalent to 1 * 10)', ]) post_graduated = False utils.print_blockquote([ 'I have variable called post_graduated set to False' 'Trying to delete post_graduated by `del post_graduated` ', 'Try to print (print(post_graduated)) then system throws NameError: name post_graduated is not defined', 'Use Try/Catch to make sure if its deleted ' ]) del post_graduated # Throws NameError: name post_graduated is not defined # print(post_graduated) try: print(post_graduated) # Try to access the variable except NameError: utils.print_span("post_graduated has been deleted.")