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Classes Readme


A class should have a properties and methods.

  • Properties are like features

  • Methods are its behaviour or functionalities

  • Class is a back bone of OOP

keyword: class

Class is a blue print or skeleton -> assume like there is no physical form

Instance or Object

Instances should be created to make use of class

class MyClass: x=5

instance_1 = MyClass() instance_2 = MyClass()

class built in functions:


Built in __init__() Function

What you want to create when you are creating an object -> All should present inside an __init__() function -> Assign values to its properties -> Operations that are necessary to do when the object is created


__str__() Function

It returns how the object can be represented as a string We can override this by our own


Behaviour or action:

Methods: -> In one line these are object functions, what are all the functions that object can do or it poses


The self parameter is a refrence to the current instance of the class, Used to access variables that belongs to the class

It doesn't have to be named self, we can call it whatever you like

It should be the first parameter to any function in the class


Delete the properties of the object

del p.height

Delete objects as well


pass: class definitions cannot be empty using pass we can make the content of the class functions can be empty.

Class Internals:

Programmers can create modular, reusable code that models or represents real-world entities or concepts in an intutive way. Classes form the backbone object oriented programmingand facilitate the principles of encapsultion, inheritance and polymorphism

Internals of the class:

  1. Defining a class: First, you define a class using the 'class' keyword. Python executes the class block, which may contain method definitions, class variables, and other statements

  2. NameSpace creation: Python creates a namespace where all its attributes and methods are stored.

  3. Class Object Creation: Once the class definition is complete, Python creates a class object and assign it to the name provided after the class, that class allows for object creation class Creation: First, you define a class using the 'class' keyword. Python