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File Name: ```python

python basics/

import sys from stylepy import timeComplexity from stylepy import h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6

h1('\n >>>> String Type Example')

def format_size(size_bytes): # Define the conversion constants KB_FACTOR = 1024 MB_FACTOR = KB_FACTOR ** 2 GB_FACTOR = KB_FACTOR ** 3 TB_FACTOR = KB_FACTOR ** 4

# Perform the conversions and format the output
if size_bytes >= TB_FACTOR:
    return f"{size_bytes / TB_FACTOR:.2f} TB"
elif size_bytes >= GB_FACTOR:
    return f"{size_bytes / GB_FACTOR:.2f} GB"
elif size_bytes >= MB_FACTOR:
    return f"{size_bytes / MB_FACTOR:.2f} MB"
elif size_bytes >= KB_FACTOR:
    return f"{size_bytes / KB_FACTOR:.2f} KB"
    return f"{size_bytes} bytes"

h2('\n >>>> What is maximum value can be stored inside python string variable?') h3('Below is the Max size') max_size = sys.maxsize formatted_size = format_size(max_size) h6(f"Max size: {formatted_size}")

h4('\n >>>> Single line using single quote') h5('Single quote is same as double quote for string data type')

h5('\n >>>> Single line using double quote') h6("Single quote is same as double quote for string data type");

h4('\n >>>> Multi line using single quote') h5(''' Multi line statement can be created using 3 single quotes. ''');

h6('\n >>>> Multi line using double quote') print(""" Multi line statement can be created using 3 double quotes.

greet = 'welcome';

h2('\n >>>> Slicing Example') h3('>>>> Accessing one specific character in string variable') h4(' >>>> Find the 3rd character from 0th index') h5(greet[3]); # return c

h5('\n >>>> number after colon executed with -1 which will considered as start:stop'); h6('\n >>>> Accessing 3rd to 5th specific character in the string variable') h5(' >>>> Find the characters from 0th index to 5th index') h6(greet[3:6]); # return com

h5('\n >>>> Accessing from 0 to 5th specific character in the string variable') h6(' >>>> Find the characters from 0th index to 5th index') h5(greet[:6]); # return welcom

h5('\n >>>> Accessing from 3rd to end of the string variable') h6(' >>>> Find the characters from 0th index to last index') h5(greet[3:]); # return come

h4('\n >>>> Accessing from last to 4 characters in the string variable') h5(' >>>> Find the characters from last index to 4 characters') h6(greet[-4:]); # return come

h4('\n >>>> Accessing from last to 4 characters but skip last character in the string variable') h5(' >>>> Find the characters from last index to 4 characters with skipping last character') h6(greet[-4:-1]); # return come

h4('\n >>>> Iteration Example') h5(' >>>> Iterate the Greet String and print each charactor') for character in greet: h6(f"character: {character}")

h4('\n >>>> Find Length Example') h5(' >>>> Find a Length of greet String') h6('greet length', len(greet))

h4('\n >>>> in / not in Exist Check Example') h5(' >>>> Find whether w string exist in greet variable using in keyword') timeComplexity('O(n)', 'In Python, strings are typically implemented as arrays of characters. The operation \'w\' in greet is essentially a search operation where Python checks each character in the string greet to see if it matches \'w\'') h6('w' in greet)

h5('\n >>> Use in statement in if statement as well') if 'w' in greet: h6('w exist in greet variable')

h5('\n >>> Use in statement in if statement as well') if 'u' not in greet: h6('u Not exist in greet variable')

h4('\n >>>> Format Example') designation = 'Full Stack engineer' company = 'Meta Inc' location = 'Singapore' product = 'Meta Enterprise Platform' h5(' >>>> format() method takes unlimited number of argument. Example'); about = 'I am currently {} at {} and working in {}.' h6(about.format(designation, company, location))

h5('\n >>>> format() with index numbers') info = 'hey i work for {1} in {0} as {2}' h6(info.format(location, company, designation))

h5('\n >>>> format() with missing index numbers, means not giving all the index') h6('>>>> Error: cannot switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering')

info1 = 'hey i work for {1} in {} as {}'

print(info1.format(location, company, designation))

print('''>>>> Below String code throws Error: g\n

hey i work for {1} in {} as {}\nthrows: Value

Error: cannot switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering

'''.format(location, company, designation))```


greet = 'welcome';

h2('\n >>>> Slicing Example') h3('>>>> Accessing one specific character in string variable') h4(' >>>> Find the 3rd character from 0th index') h5(greet[3]); # return c

h5('\n >>>> number after colon executed with -1 which will considered as start:stop'); h6('\n >>>> Accessing 3rd to 5th specific character in the string variable') h5(' >>>> Find the characters from 0th index to 5th index') h6(greet[3:6]); # return com

h5('\n >>>> Accessing from 0 to 5th specific character in the string variable') h6(' >>>> Find the characters from 0th index to 5th index') h5(greet[:6]); # return welcom

h5('\n >>>> Accessing from 3rd to end of the string variable') h6(' >>>> Find the characters from 0th index to last index') h5(greet[3:]); # return come

h4('\n >>>> Accessing from last to 4 characters in the string variable') h5(' >>>> Find the characters from last index to 4 characters') h6(greet[-4:]); # return come

h4('\n >>>> Accessing from last to 4 characters but skip last character in the string variable') h5(' >>>> Find the characters from last index to 4 characters with skipping last character') h6(greet[-4:-1]); # return come

h4('\n >>>> Iteration Example') h5(' >>>> Iterate the Greet String and print each charactor') for character in greet: h6(f"character: {character}")

h4('\n >>>> Find Length Example') h5(' >>>> Find a Length of greet String') h6('greet length', len(greet))

h4('\n >>>> in / not in Exist Check Example') h5(' >>>> Find whether w string exist in greet variable using in keyword') timeComplexity('O(n)', 'In Python, strings are typically implemented as arrays of characters. The operation \'w\' in greet is essentially a search operation where Python checks each character in the string greet to see if it matches \'w\'') h6('w' in greet)

h5('\n >>> Use in statement in if statement as well') if 'w' in greet: h6('w exist in greet variable')

h5('\n >>> Use in statement in if statement as well') if 'u' not in greet: h6('u Not exist in greet variable')

h4('\n >>>> Format Example') designation = 'Full Stack engineer' company = 'Meta Inc' location = 'Singapore' product = 'Meta Enterprise Platform' h5(' >>>> format() method takes unlimited number of argument. Example'); about = 'I am currently {} at {} and working in {}.' h6(about.format(designation, company, location))

h5('\n >>>> format() with index numbers') info = 'hey i work for {1} in {0} as {2}' h6(info.format(location, company, designation))

h5('\n >>>> format() with missing index numbers, means not giving all the index') h6('>>>> Error: cannot switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering')

info1 = 'hey i work for {1} in {} as {}'

print(info1.format(location, company, designation))

print('''>>>> Below String code throws Error: g\n

hey i work for {1} in {} as {}\nthrows: Value

Error: cannot switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering

'''.format(location, company, designation))