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File Name: ```python from stylepy import h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6


h1('\n >>>> Statement Example')

isEligibleToVote Function

h2('\n >>>> isEligibleToVote Function with passing age')

def isEligibleToVote(age: int = 0) -> None: try: if(age > 0 and age < 21): print(str(age) + ' Wow, You will be soon eligible to vote') elif(age > 21): print(str(age) + ' Congrats, You are eligible to vote!') else: print(str(age) + ' Invalid age parameter') except Exception as e: print('Got error for param "' + age + '"\nError is ', e)

Example usage

h3('\n >>>> Passing nothing consider default parameter if provided') isEligibleToVote() h4('\n >>>> Passing 16 return "Wow, You will be soon eligible to vote"') isEligibleToVote(16) h5('\n >>>> Passing 19 return "Wow, You will be soon eligible to vote"') isEligibleToVote(19)
h6('\n >>>> Passing 25 return "Congrats, You are eligible to vote!"') isEligibleToVote(25)
h4('\n >>>> Passing \'\' as parameter throws TypeError: \'<\' not supported between instances of \'str\' and \'int\'') isEligibleToVote('')```